Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF)

What is the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF)?

The Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) is a part of the Federal Government’s Direct Action Plan that aims to provide incentives for a range of organisations and individuals to adopt new practices and technologies to reduce their emissions.

Who is eligible for ERF?

The Green Guys Group provides access to ERF for businesses who are located in Queensland, Western Australia, and Tasmania, as there are no existing state-based energy schemes in these regions yet.

How does ERF work?

Several energy-saving activities, including LED lighting upgrades, are eligible under the scheme and participants can earn Australian carbon credit units (ACCUs) for emissions reductions. One ACCU is earned for each tonne of emission stored or avoided by a project. We return to you the value of the ACCUs upfront, in the form of a subsidy towards the total project cost.

What does this mean for me?

This means that you can get an LED lighting upgrade at a greatly reduced cost. To date, we have accessed over $60M in total in government subsidies for our valued clients. Subsidised upgrade with the Emissions Reduction Fund (ERF) plus immediate savings on your energy bills means greater-than-ever Return on Investment (ROI) for your business. Get a FREE quote today and start saving!